Traditional Ways to Treat Diseases Ringworm

Traditional Ways to Treat Diseases Ringworm - Ringworm adala types of skin diseases due to a fungal infection of the skin called dermatophytesdapa infect humans and animals. Ringworm disease is believed to be transmitted through clothing, towels, soap, and a pair of friends who suffered from ringworm. Not only that, it turns ringworm fungus can also be carried by pets are like cats and dogs from there, wash your hands after handling your favorite animal.

Characteristics or symptoms of RingwormRingworm symptoms themselves can be seen on the skin known as ringworm contained feels rough to the touch and slightly raised and appear pink around the ringworm. Usually there is a circular shape in the groin, hands and even can also kewajah.
ringworm medicineHow to Treat RingwormFor ringworm medicine you can use the experience that could chartcure this skin disease with a variety of natural ingredients below:

Betel leaves can be overcome ringworm due to a substance that can break down the the ringworm fungus. Carannya, simply puree or mashed 1 betel leaves, then apply on your ringworm.
With Turmeric proven effective to eliminate ringworm and is already very well known properties as well as natural herbs some skin diseases such as tinea versicolor. The trick is quite simple just simply peel megolesi turmeric and saffron yellow contents are in the affected ringworm.
With Galangal can we rely on to eliminate ringworm. obat kurap di selangkangan alami Same way with the use of turmeric that is to peel the skin and then rubbed on the affected part and reference sources said kurap.Dari Tobacco Leaf also proven effective to eliminate the fungus due to ringworm. The trick, tobacco leaf stengah puree until completely smooth, and apply on the area ringworm.
With menggunkaan medicine at the pharmacy, you can buy ointment or pills sold diapotek menrut friends who have had ringworm penyait you can buy pills micoral or salapnya.
So artiket related health by eliminating ringworm naturally, hopefully can help you cope with this skin disease. See also our other updates.

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